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How Well Do Hepa Air Filters Work?

A conventional HEPA filter contains a single, continuous sheet of material made largely of glass fibers. This paper-like sheet of material is pleated into a corrugated fold, with aluminum separators between each pleat. The pleated filter element is then treated with a...

A Step-By-Step Guide To Reduce Indoor Airborne Allergens

Indoor pollutants cause many individuals to suffer from various respiratory ailments. Many find themselves taking a myriad of drugs and sprays in order to ease their suffering. As an allergy suffer myself, I set out to find out what I could do to help improve the air...

Home Air Filters: Knowing Which One to Choose

Since air filters are one of the bests tools for eradicating allergens from your home, more people are using them than ever before. The trick is to find the one that works best for you, depending upon your specific needs. Before going shopping, arm yourself with some...

High-Efficiency Whole-House Air Filtration System

Systems that are placed in the central HVAC system and filter over 90% of allergens and other pollutants from the air. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that indoor air pollution levels can be from two to five times higher than the...

Tips for Sweeter Dreams for Children

Improving Air Quality in the Sleep Environment Bedtime is anything but pleasant for people with allergies and asthma since that’s very often the time when symptoms worsen. The air we breathe can contain many particles that can trigger symptoms, including dust...