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Allergies – What They Are And How To Reduce Symptoms

An allergy is an unusually high sensitivity to a substance that is generally harmless. When a person with an allergy against a substance comes into contact with it, his or her immune system treats the substance as a dangerous invader, which causes the body to go into...


BlueAir is a newcomer in the world of air purification, but has made great strides in both design and function. The company strives to produce air purifiers that clean the air while providing beauty and design. The company was founded in 1996 in Stockholm, Sweden....


IQAir is one of the oldest air purification companies in the industry today. With a wide assortment of commercial units that have been used in clean rooms and laboratories world wide, it is no wonder that IQAir is equated with quality. They have recently moved into...

Choosing Whole House Air Purifiers

In May of 2003, the Allentown Morning Call described the case of the Geroulo family in Northampton, Pennsylvania. The Geroulos’ son Tyler was three and a half years old at the time and suffered from serious allergies and asthma. He was on respiratory medication,...

Ozone Air Purifiers – Good Or Bad?

In recent years, ozone devices have attracted a great deal of negative attention. But what exactly are ozone air purifiers, and do they even work? Isn’t ozone a part of nature? If it’s already in the air we breathe, how could it possibly cause any harm? As we’ll see,...

Ion Air Purifiers

Nature provides all of creation with two handy little things called negative and positive ions. Atoms in the air that lose or gain an electron become either positive or negative ions, and these necessary electrical charges need to be well balanced in order for a...

Ionic Air Cleaners – How Effective Are They?

Americans bought over three million portable air cleaners in 2002. Many of these were in a category called “ionic air cleaners,” or “electrostatic precipitators.” (We’re guessing the latter is more popular among Scrabble fans.) Of these, the market is strongly...

Air Odor Cleaners: Solutions For A Very Smelly Problem

Oh my goodness, what’s that smell? I think we’re in agreement that those are never words you want to hear when someone enters your house or place of business. Litter boxes, diaper bins, mold, mildew, dank closets and basements are only a few culprits when it comes to...

Humidity Control Guide

No offense meant by the title! It just seems more and more people are worried these days about controlling the level of humidity in their homes. That makes sense, because the level of relative humidity can have a huge impact on both people and inanimate objects...

Hepa Air Cleaners Guide

Simply put, HEPA is a category of materials used in air filters. The acronym stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arresting, with “arresting” being used in the “stopping the progress of” sense. These materials were developed by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission to...