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Indoor pollutants cause many individuals to suffer from various respiratory ailments. Many find themselves taking a myriad of drugs and sprays in order to ease their suffering. As an allergy suffer myself, I set out to find out what I could do to help improve the air quality within my home, without using many of the harsh chemicals. What follows, is a step by step guide on how to improve the air quality within your home or office.


No matter where you live, pollen is no doubt an issue during certain times of the year. Pollen by nature is designed to be airborne and pass through very small spaces. Most pollen is less than .3 microns in size, which makes filtering a challenge. To decrease pollen inside of your home try the following:

  1. Purchase a quality air purifier. There are many makes and models on the market, so make sure to do your research before purchasing a unit. Use the tools available on this site, to ensure that you make the right decision. Our favorites are Hepa filters that filter less than .1 micron particles.
  2. Replace your furnace filter frequently. Your furnace filter is the gateway to the outside environment. It is critical that you try to stop the pollen before it enters the house. There are a variety of disposable and permanent filters to choose from. Most adhere to the MERV efficiency rating, so look for one with a high MERV rating.
  3. Vacuuming daily with a Hepa filter vacuum. Vacuum frequently to pick up any particles that have been tracked in on foot. There are many Hepa filter vacuums on the market today, so you should have no trouble finding one to fit your needs. Make sure to replace the filter as needed. Be wary of bag-less vacuums. They sound great, but you stir the dirt and dust up when you clean out the cup.
  4. Keeping windows and doors closed whenever possible. It goes without saying that when you open your windows and doors, you let the outside in. During the spring and summer months, try using indoor fans. If you must circulate the air, purchase an air conditioning unit that filters the air before it enters the home.

Pet Dander

Pets are a source of love and joy for many homeowners. Unfortunately our furry friends are responsible for pet dander. Some people are highly allergic to this type of dander, and have often given up their pets in search of relief. Such a drastic move doesn’t have to occur. Here are some tips to co-existing with your pets.

  1. Bathe your pets frequently outside of the home. Bathing is an essential part of keeping a clean pet. But, if you are washing them inside your home, you could be stirring up pet dander. Try to wash your pet outside, or at the groomers.
  2. Re-evaluate your pet’s diet. If your pet’s food is lacking in essential vitamins and nutrients, their skin could be suffering. I have found that some dog foods cause my dog to become flakey and itchy. So if pet dander is a problem, try switching to a diet higher in fats and essential vitamins. A shiny coat is a sign of a healthy pet, so if your pet has a lackluster coat his food could be the culprit

Dust Mites

Dust mites are something that many people don’t like the talk about. Their favorite nesting spot in the family bed, a 2 year old mattress could contain millions of dust mites! There are a few ways that you can help protect yourself against these unwanted house mates.

  1. Purchase a dust mite mattress cover. There is a line of specially mattress covers that are designed to resist dust mites. They feature tightly woven material that even the smallest dust mite cannot enter.
  2. Have a quality Hepa filter in your bedroom. Hepa can be effective on dust mites, so having one in your bedroom is an easy way to eliminate dust mites. Every time that you toss and turn in bed, you are stirring up the mites, so make sure to run your air purifier at night.
  3. Wash your sheets and bedding in hot water. Just because you wash your sheets, does not mean that you have gotten rid of the dust mites! The only way to effectively get rid of them is to wash your bedding in very hot water.
  4. Use bleach or borax. If you are unable to wash your bedding in hot water, try adding bleach or borax. The chemicals will eliminate the dust mites. Make sure to wash pillows as well, as they can infest the rest of the bed in a matter of minutes.


All homes have some sort of mold within them. Eliminating this threat is easy. With proper upkeep and a good air purifier, you should decrease the amount of mold within your home significantly.

  1. Purchase a good quality air purifier. Airborne mold can spread, so it is important to have a good air purifier running at all times.
  2. Clean spills & fix leaks immediatly. Do not leave standing water anywhere in your home. Check underneath your cabinets and faucets to ensure that they are not leaking. Many homeowners are devastated to find mold infestation underneath their bathroom sink, so make sure to do proper repairs on all fixtures.
  3. Clean your bathroom weekly. No one likes to scrub the bathtub, but this is a common place for mold growth. Purchase an overhead shower caddy with ventilation holes, to keep your soap and shampoos off the tub surface.

There are a variety of items out there to improve your air quality within your home. If you have allergies, you don’t have to suffer from them. Follow the following tips when researching airborne allergen reducers.

  1. Find out the level of effectiveness. Many products offer an efficiency rating, so try to find out what the manufacturer promises.
  2. Cost to purchase/cost to upkeep. Keeping a clean home does not have to be expensive. Do your research and you may be pleasantly surprised to find that you have many affordable options. Many of the tips outlined in this site cost virtually nothing!
  3. Look/Noise Level of the product. Getting rid of airborne allergens should not mean that you have to live with bulky machines and constant noise. So make sure the item fits in with your style and lifestyle.

Good luck and happy breathing!