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Oh my goodness, what’s that smell?

I think we’re in agreement that those are never words you want to hear when someone enters your house or place of business. Litter boxes, diaper bins, mold, mildew, dank closets and basements are only a few culprits when it comes to the possible culprit causing unwanted stench to arise and permeate your living spaces. Before you hear those words, perhaps you should think about a little odor control.

Odor control comes in a variety of different types, but before you run out and purchase odor control solutions, consider using something you probably already have in your house – white vinegar. White vinegar, known well by many living frugally, is a cure-all for many household products, including nasty odors. As a matter of fact, my father used to solve the rising stink from the garbage disposal by pouring a few cups of vinegar down the drain and letting it sit for a while. Granted, the problem with using vinegar as odor control is that your house then smells like, well, vinegar for a few hours afterwards.

If you’ve gone the vinegar route and it was unsuccessful or just want to avoid its distinctive smell, many companies offer odor control solutions in the form of sprays. Many of these sprays work incredibly well to neutralize odors, leaving no smell behind them whatsoever. They can be used in the air or directly on the offending surfaces, be it floors or couches or sweaty gym bags.

Other companies offer air purifiers, which can be used alone or combined with the sprays. An air purifier will work to filter the unwanted stinky particles from the air, leaving your breathing air clean and fresh, and you’ll never have to look down in shame when a guest enters your house again.

Odor Control

There are many different ways to remove pet odors, smoke, musty smells, and other offensive aromas from the air. Some more unusual natural solutions include citrus oils, an onion half, bread slices, and baking soda. One of the more common methods to remove odors from the air is to use an air cleaner. Air odor cleaners typically utilize two types of odor-removing designs, carbon/charcoal filters, and ozone generators.

Activated carbon has been treated with oxygen to open up millions of tiny pores between the carbon atoms, significantly increasing the surface area. It is the same technology used in military gas masks to keep personnel safe from poisonous gasses. Certain chemicals and offensive odors are attracted to activated carbon and bond to it, allowing the odors to be collected and removed when the filters are changed. Charcoal filters work on the same premise. Honeywell and Oreck, are two of the more popular brands of air purifying products that use this type of technology.

Ozone is a gas crated when oxygen is electrified. It bonds with odors and harmful pollutants, neutralizing them and cleaning the air. Ozone generators are effective odor removal systems, but the Environmental Protection Agency and other governmental organizations have suggested that exposure to high levels of ozone can cause respiratory irritation and other health concerns.

Ionic air purifiers produce small amounts of ozone as a byproduct, which has caused concerns about their safety as well. Manufacturers of ozone generators and ionizers have attempted to address these safety concerns and limit the amount of ozone produced by their products. Prozone is one of the more well-known types of ozone-based purifiers.

Odor Cleaner Shopping Tips

Anyone that has a pet, children, or a spouse understands how odor can creep into our homes. Smoking, cooking, and living in general, help produce a wealth of odor problems. For those looking to eliminate this smelly problem, an air odor cleaner may be just what the doctor ordered. Before you go out and purchase one, it is recommended that you research what an air odor cleaner actually is.

There are generally two different types of odor cleaners. There are carbon based filtering systems and then there are ozone creating units. Both have advantages and disadvantages. The carbon based units are well known and effective in eliminating many odors and chemicals in the air. Activated carbon is created, and contains millions of tiny holes that work to trap odor causing molecules. This technology is actually used in military gas masks to ensure soldiers safety. The downfall for this type is that they often require expensive filter replacements. Ozone creating units usually require no filters, which can be economical for many families. Ozone is created by electrifying oxygen. Recent research however, has begun to question the health concerns that ozone creates. Many individuals experience further respiratory problems once they are exposed to excess ozone levels.

When purchasing an odor cleaner, there are a few questions that you should ask. These include:

  • What type of odors does this unit claim to eliminate? – It is important to find out what types of odors the unit actually cleans. Some odor cleaners are created specifically for cigarette smoke, and may be of little use to you in a non-smoking home.
  • Does it handle chemical molecules? – Many household odors are actually chemical based, so it is important to find out if the unit handles chemical odors as well. Carpet, paint, and cleaning products are the main household odor culprits, so find a unit that can handle these odors.
  • How much does it cost to keep running? – Many consumers forget to ask this when selecting a unit. The price of upkeep can vary greatly by make and model so make sure to factor in filter replacement, electricity use, and cleaning requirements.
  • Price/Warranty – As with any major purchase, make sure to shop around. Once you have decided on a make and model, consult various vendors to find the right price.

Air Odor Cleaner Comparisons

If you are in the market for an odor cleaner, you no doubt have a variety of questions about what is available to you. All manufacturers claim to eliminate unpleasant odors and smells, but some do a better job of it than others. We would like compare 3 popular odor cleaners, to help debunk some of the myths associated with odor cleaners.

Carbon based cleaning units are fairly popular in the market. The forerunner in the industry is BlueAir. Their basic unit which runs about $300 U.S and features both Hepa and carbon filters. What is nice about this unit is the ability to install different filters based on your needs. If you are worried about second hand smoke, you can purchase a StopSmoke filter. If you are in a non-smoking home, you don’t have to bother with the added expense.

When looking for an ozone generator, I repeatedly came up with AirZone models. These usually run $200 U.S. and produce at least 5 mg to 120 mg of ozone an hour. Their basic model includes a “burst” function which allows for a quick burst of ozone if you have a particular odor that you wish to eliminate. The unit is 2.5 lbs.

If you are on a budget, you may be able to find a unit that eliminates odors while being easy on your pocketbook. TrueAir air cleaners usually cost less than $30 U.S. and feature the carbon filtration technology of bigger units. The cleaner plugs into an outlet and then filters the air using a small fan.

Many scientists now agree that ozone generators may cause more problems than they help. It is our recommendation that you find a good carbon filtering unit to clean your air in your home or office. If you seek a good all-purpose unit that covers both odors and air purification, the BlueAir model is your best bet. If you are looking for a cheap alternative, which will help eliminate occasional odors, the TrueAir unit may be right for you.